Aaja Mahi Vay - Prem Ki Agni Pareeksha is a dance show with a difference, where the contestants are committed couples, who compete to win the wedding of their dreams. In this show, it is not only the dancing skills of the contesting couples that are put to the test week after week, but also their love and commitment towards each other.

Thus, apart from some fantastic dancing, viewers will also be hooked by exciting emotional drama every week. The lucky winners who get the maximum amount of votes from viewers and judges will win a no expense spared dream wedding.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Jodi No.2 - Aslam Qureshi & Mayuree Chaddha

JODI NO.2 - Aslam Qureshi & Mayuree Chaddha

Aslam is a Muslim from Mumbai and Mayuri is a Hindu from Agra. Aslam is into property development and is also an event manager. He has a Masters degree in Commerce and has done his MBA from the US. Mayuri is a Commerce Graduate and has done PGDMC and a Software Development course. She is currently freelancing as a Creative Director in the television Industry. They met in 2001 at an exhibition organized by Aslam in Delhi. Mayuri was a student then and came for promotions.

In the first 5 days of the exhibition Aslam proposed to her and she agreed immediately. Before leaving for the US to pursue his MBA, Aslam went to Agra to meet Mayuri's parents. Mayuri was 19 then and could not tell her parents about Aslam so the meeting never happened.
Aslam then moved to the US and was back after 2 years and during this period they lost touch with each other. Eventually Mayuri got a job and moved to Mumbai and established contact with Aslam once again. Aslam's family is dead against their relationship.

Mayuri's family has begun to accept Aslam, but her mother calls him Amar - a Hindu name - to avoid any social hassles. Mayuri is prepared to covert to get married to Aslam.
Their parents don't know of their participation in the show and they feel that Aslam's parents (even Mayuri's mother) may object.

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