Aaja Mahi Vay - Prem Ki Agni Pareeksha is a dance show with a difference, where the contestants are committed couples, who compete to win the wedding of their dreams. In this show, it is not only the dancing skills of the contesting couples that are put to the test week after week, but also their love and commitment towards each other.

Thus, apart from some fantastic dancing, viewers will also be hooked by exciting emotional drama every week. The lucky winners who get the maximum amount of votes from viewers and judges will win a no expense spared dream wedding.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Jodi No. 11 - Sherjil Khan & Sneha Manandi

Jodi No. 11 - Sherjil Khan & Sneha Manandi

Sherjil is a Muslim and Sneha is a Hindu. Sneha is a South Indian based in Mumbai.

They feel that there would be opposition from Sneha's family. Both are dancers/choreographers and work together.

Sherjil is also trying his luck in acting. He wants to come on the show to become famous.

They seem to have good chemistry and are confident about their dance ability.


Utti said...

Well u r dance is gud not excellent but u don't think that u show so much Attitude in this show if u wanna show dis den show in the dance so dat u will succeed......in thye end we all viewers think dat u will change ur style...............Take care........

ILA said...

you are my favourite couple on the show.i am from pakistan i have never ever voted for any one but trust me i am desperatly voting for both of you.your love for each other see in you eyes.

ILA said...

you are the passionate and most lovable couple.you will definetely win the show.god bless you.

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